Homes in England and Wales have band D energy rating: ONS | Mortgage Strategy


Homes in England and Wales have an average energy efficiency rating of band D, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics.  

Though flats and maisonettes are the most energy-efficient property type, rated at band C, where the most energy-efficient homes in the country have a rating of A and the least energy-efficient homes are in band G. Band C is rated as adequate by most standards.  

The survey finds that social-rented homes had the highest median energy efficiency score across all property tenures at band C, while owner-occupied properties scored the lowest at band D.   

The report found that flats tended to retain heat better than detached houses.   

It says that, “external wall exposure is higher in detached properties, compared with flats and maisonettes, which are more likely to be grouped in blocks.   

“While there is a large difference in energy efficiency between flats and houses, there was only a small difference between the different types of houses.”  

It also found that four in five homes used mains gas as a main fuel source for central heating, which highlights how higher wholesale gas costs have fed into rising living costs.  

TMA Club development director Lisa Martin says: “Today’s ONS energy efficiency figures tell the story of millions of properties that are unprepared for upcoming changes to legislation around energy performance certificate ratings.   

“With approximately two-thirds of privately rented homes having an energy rating of D or below, around 3.2 million properties in England and Wales will require work to meet government targets.   

“Indeed, it’s further evident that a minority of landlords are not only unprepared, but unaware that in 2025, they will not be able to rent out properties with an energy performance certificate rating below C, should the proposed changes in the government White Paper come into effect.”  

Legal & General Surveying Services technical director Malcolm Webb adds: “Given the current cost-of-living crisis, it’s natural that many people are concerned about the price of retrofitting their homes. The result of inactivity though is that a considerable portion of the UK’s housing stock is still underperforming when it comes to energy efficiency.    

“Improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s housing stock is vital, both for the environment and to safeguard the investment people have tied up in their homes. It may not be long before the value of a property is influenced by its energy performance, so making these improvements now can keep homeowners ahead of the curve, and ensure their properties are attractive for future occupiers.”  

LSL New Homes Financial Services director Craig Hall says: “The energy efficiency figures that the ONS released this morning show that despite energy efficiency improvements being an increasingly hot topic, millions of properties are still unprepared for upcoming energy performance certificate regulation changes.  

“Some landlords are unaware that in less than three years, they will no longer be able to rent out properties with an energy performance certificate rating lower than a C if the proposed regulations do indeed come into place in 2025.” 

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