Rogue landlord fines expected to double in London: Kamma Mortgage Strategy


Fines issued to rogue landlords and letting agents have increased by half a million pounds in the last three months in London alone, says Kamma.

According to the geospatial technology company, total fines now surpass £8.6m in the capital, putting 2023 on course to be a record year for enforcement.

Last year Kamma reported that total fines for letting agents and landlords increased by more than £1m in 12 months. But with half that amount being recorded in just the first quarter of 2023, this is expected to double to £2m by the end of the coming year.

The total figure has now crossed the £8.6m mark for the first time, rising from £8,157,745 in December to £28,668,895 this month.

It’s being put down largely to increased enforcement efforts across the capital, with the launch of eight new licensing schemes since the start of 2023, and more planned for the near future.

Kamma chief executive Orla Shields comments: “Every month, Kamma reports a new record increase in fines and enforcement seen in the private rented sector (PRS), and the start of 2023 is no different, with an increase of half a million pounds in fines seen in just three months, suggesting that 2023 might become the biggest year on record for fines.”

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