Work better, play better


Many of us in real estate have seen the "work hard, play hard" posts on social media. Posts that suggest we can we can enjoy the good life when we commit to the daily hustle and grind. If we're willing to consistently persevere through the long hours, the networking, and the phone calls, then we'll be able to achieve a level of success that allows us to cash in some of those hours for a dream vacation. Or maybe even a vacation home. 

The underlying message? Even if the work itself isn't all that enjoyable, the financial rewards make it all worth it. 

The problem with "work hard, play hard" is balance. It tends to be either-or. On-off. Bouncing from one extreme to the other. Trading in extreme work for extreme play can take its toll on our physical heath, our mental health, and our relationships. It's a tough lifestyle to maintain over the long run. 

Fortunately there is another way to go about our work, and that is to integrate our work with our play. 

When we integrate our work with our play, we choose work activities that align with our values and our interests. And we pursue those activities in community with other like-minded people. 

For example, you might think about your own values and interests: 

  • If you love the outdoors, you might join an environmental non-profit or a friends group for a local park.
  • If you prioritize exercise, you might sign up for an exercise class, a bicycle club, or a running club. 
  • If you have a spiritual side, you might become more involved with some of the activities at your church. 
  • If you love entertaining, then by all means you might choose to regularly entertain your friends -- a lot. 

Integrating our work with our play gives us a wonderful opportunity to develop friendships with people who share our values and interests. People who come to know us as stand-up individuals in the community, and as trusted real estate professionals. 

So, instead of joining a business to business referral group like BNI, you might think about joining a few groups that interest you on a personal level instead. Get to know people. Show interest in them. And be an active contributor within your groups. 

You'll find that you'll develop many new friendships over time. Friendships that become the foundation for a healthy and sustainable referral-based business. A business where the work itself becomes its own reward. 

** You can learn more about our work philosophies on our real estate careers blog. Or feel free to contact Dan for a conversation about what a career with Mad City Dream Homes could look like for you. **