Chorley refreshes later life range | Mortgage Introducer


After listening to feedback from brokers and members, Chorley Building Society have now developed mortgages for borrowers who either start the term of the mortgage before they turn 70 or apply after their 70th birthday.

The range now includes a 60% loan-to-value (LTV) rate as well as retaining the 80% LTV mortgage. These are both available with a two year or 5-year discount from the Society’s Standard Variable Rate.

Kim Roby, customer services director, commented: “We listened to feedback and decided it was important to support our members by offering them a range of products that met their LTV requirements as well as recognising their life stage.

“We’ve heard many times from those over 70 that think they’re too old for a mortgage and that equity release is their only option. That simply isn’t true. At Chorley, we have no maximum age limit on our mortgages and review every application on a case by case basis.”

Julie Goodwin, Chorley Building Society’s business development manager, added: “With mortgage terms moving away from the traditional 25 years, we listened to what our broker network were saying.

“Many purchases are now also much later in life and we want to make sure our mortgages reflect the ever changing needs of borrowers, whilst remaining a responsible lender.”