10 Questions with Mickey Spain - Clean Slate


Mickey Spain has been with the Realogy Franchise Group for over 15 years but joined Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate in 2018. His current role as the Director of Brand Engagement means he works on adoption and education of branded tools amongst our network. Find out more about his career, like how he learned to adopt the “we over me” mentality, below:

1. Which of our BHGRE P.A.I.G.E. (Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth, Excellence) core values do you identify with most, and why?

I believe Authenticity is the foundation for success. You must be honest with yourself, your peers and your customers. When you know who you are, you’re able to bring your strengths to the table.

2. What are your favorite qualities in a customer? 

I enjoy working with customers who are open and honest. I am then able to understand their needs and make sure the services we are providing work for them to achieve their goals. Clients need to be honest in their assessments but also open to solutions they may not have thought of.

3. What is the one characteristic that’s helped you the most in your career? 

Learning the WE mentality over the ME mentality. Letting go of being in total control has been tough for me, but by letting go and relying on others I’ve been able to achieve success in roles throughout my career that I could have never accomplished alone.

4.    What was the last book you read? 

Modern High Power Rocketry 2 by Mark Canepa. Flying rockets is one of my hobbies. It never hurts to return to the text that covers the guiding principles of flying successfully and safely.  

5. If you were not in real estate, what would you be doing? 

Working for Space X, I may only be a parking lot attendant for them, but I find space travel and rocketry fascinating.

6. What was the last song you heard that you couldn’t stop humming? 

Two Rivers by The Alarm

7. Who is your real-life hero? 

Mike Peters, leader singer of The Alarm. 15 years ago, he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and then later, Leukemia, which he lives with now. He founded the Love, Hope Strength Foundation that helps battle cancer. At all the Alarm’s concerts they run a “Get on the List” campaign where they swab cheeks to find matches for other cancer patients.

The documentary “Man in the Camo Jacket” is a documentary on Mike’s story. It is very inspiring and shows that he is a true rock star, on and off the stage.

8.    What is your favorite motto? 

Be Prepared. As a Boy Scout leader, we instill this in our scouts to be prepared for the future, no matter which path they choose.

9.    If you could sell a home in any market in the world, where would it be? 

I have been to many places, but I still find Seattle to be one of the most stunning I have ever visited. The mountains and the scenery of the Northwest is incredible. I would only hope that I am selling the home to myself with a view of the Puget Sound. 

10.   What advice would you give your younger self starting out in real estate? 

To start, I would make myself apologize to the real estate agent who helped us buy our first house. I was putting in counter offers over $500 just to feel like I was winning (facepalm). I wish I had seen real estate as an investment instead of just being a homeowner earlier on. If anything, after almost 16 years in this industry, I have gained a huge amount of respect for those professionals who put it on the line every day. They truly help people achieve the ultimate dream, home ownership.

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