Waterfront Properties Sponsors Jupiter's Beach Bucket Cleanup


Recently, the Town of Jupiter has added and installed clean up stations at local parks to help the environment by reducing the number of debris and litter in our town.

The project is part of Jupiter’s partnership with Beach Bucket Foundation. The mission of the project is to create awareness and community involvement in helping the preservation of our local beaches and ocean. The town’s council identified clean up areas and more activities along the waterfront and local parks as one of their initiatives this year.

Waterfront Properties has sponsored clean up buckets at four local clean up stations. Visitors can grab a bucket from the station and help pick up litter and debris while they enjoy the park or walk along the beach. Once the bucket is full, bring the bucket back to the station and place the trash in the garbage area. Leave the bucket for someone else to help keep our community clean from litter and debris.

The Waterfront Properties buckets are currently located at Coral Cove Park in Tequesta, Civic Center in Jupiter, Carlin Park in Jupiter, and Ocean Cay Park in Juno Beach. Head to one of the cleanup stations and help keep Jupiter clean with us.