Resources for seniors


Is there a senior in your life who needs help staying in their current home or help moving to a new one? Here are 3 excellent resources for seniors in the Madison area. 

SAIL (Sharing Active Independent Lives)

Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL) is a local non-profit that is dedicated to helping seniors live independently in their own home. One of our friends who is now 102 years old has been a SAIL member for 18 years, and because of SAIL, she continues to thrive in the home she loves while staying connected to the larger community. 

Moving Forward

We've been receiving wonderful feedback from our clients about Moving Forward Senior Move Managers, who specialize in helping seniors "downsize" and move on to their next setting with dignity and ease. Moving Forward helps seniors pack, prepare for, and carry out their move; sell items that they no longer wish to keep; and donate other items to charity -- among other services. 

Mad City Dream Homes

And of course our team is here to help every client who needs extra care as they prepare to sell their current home and transition to their next one. For many people, a move can feel overwhelming. We give our clients the time and attention they need so that they always feel cared for and well-supported.