Whistlebrook receives ICAEW accreditation for WBEIR


The ICAEW Accreditation Scheme is the most widely recognised accreditation scheme in the UK for financial software and the Evaluation Report is available on the ICAEW website.

WBEIR is used by 17 UK lending institutions to support financial services businesses in conforming with the FRS102 & IFRS9 accounting standards on income recognition.

ICAEW accreditationThe ICAEW’s independent software Accreditation Scheme requires all accounting software undergoing assessment to fulfil an extensive range of criteria, including the ability to provide key accounting functions, detailed audit trail and other facilities that ensure the completeness, accuracy and integrity of those functions and the businesses’ accounting data.

The Accreditation Scheme also takes into account the ease of learning and usability, and the ability for users to tailor the system for their specific requirements as well as the quality of the support and maintenance provided by the software vendor. 

Whistlebrook chief executive David Webber says: “Whistlebrook is delighted that WBEIR has been awarded an accreditation from the ICAEW, having met the key requirements for accounting software in the UK.

“Our existing and future customers and can now take further comfort that WBEIR will provide the required functionality and flexibility to accurately calculate an fee and interest income recognition statements using a system that is flexible and easy-to-use.” 

ICAEW Member Services relationship manager Craig McLellan says: “I am delighted that Whistlebrook’s WBEIR product has successfully gone through the ICAEW’s Accreditation Scheme. The accounting software satisfies all of the scheme’s key requirements.”