Mortgage Mole: December 2020 | Mortgage Strategy


On your shopping list

A hearty ‘Well done’ to Dynamo founder Ying Tan, who has hit the publishing scene with aplomb, garnering impressive testimonials and five-star reviews for his first book, interestingly titled: Don’t Push Too Many Trolleys. As well as providing his insights into business, Tan writes about his experiences growing up on a council estate as part of a family proud of its Chinese heritage. Surely a stocking filler for every business-minded member of your family!

Trophy haul

Mole offers huge congratulations to Mortgage Strategy regular Leah ‘Mullen’ Milner, who has won The Money Group’s Best Journalist of the Year award. As you can see, she was up against pretty stiff local competition. For those who didn’t tune in to the, er… tweetcast? (Mole is not too technologically au fait) …you certainly missed out on something special.

Bully off

When Mole was young and pink and hairless, bullying was the norm for many at burrowing school. Apparently things have become a lot better these days in the physical realm, but this cruel sport persists and, of course, has moved online, from which home offers no escape. It is therefore great to see Nationwide partner with the Diana Award to create, over the next three years, 10,000 more anti-bullying ambassadors across 660 UK primary schools, who have been trained to tackle this scourge.

The meek shall inherit the earth

According to a Financial Times report, Rishi Sunak is a bit of a video games nerd. Tatler goes one further and says he enjoys making models of spaceships. Looking at the famous image of him now, things are starting to make sense… is that a gamer’s keyboard on his suspiciously tidy desk? With macro-binding keys above the function keys? Did Rishi learn his economic theory during 48-hour sessions of Eve Online? (Look that one up if you want to go down a rabbit/mole hole and you have a day to spare.)

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