One to One: Claire Rankin, director of strategy and digital transformation, Shawbrook Bank | Mortgage Strategy


What does your role at Shawbrook entail?

I am responsible for the strategy and execution of all activities relating to our digital products. This means I create Shawbrook’s digital product strategy and make sure it clearly aligns with the aims of the wider business.

I work closely with a strong team who help Shawbrook to keep evolving its proposition and ensure that as a business we provide the best experience for our brokers and their clients.

Did your role change during the pandemic?

On a day-to-day level my role definitely became busier. As a business, before the pandemic we had big plans to improve our digital offering, but the pace at which we were doing this accelerated during lockdown.

What is the one message you would like to give to brokers about Shawbrook?

Shawbrook is serious about investing in technology. We are constantly looking for ways to re-engineer our processes to improve brokers’ experience of our platform and to position ourselves as a digital specialist in the lending space.

We have recently been able to complete a buy-to-let mortgage in seven working days after receiving the application in principle via our new, innovative Buy-to-Let platform, which we’re launching later this summer.

As a woman working in the finance industry, do you feel there is equality in the sector?

Being a woman in this industry is equally challenging and rewarding. The wider financial services sector is still perceived as very male, but the Women in Finance Charter is an effective tool for representing women and encouraging more of them to establish their career in finance.

Ultimately, we all want to achieve equality of opportunity based on competence, and the charter is helping to do this. Anything that raises the profile of women in both leadership positions and financial services should be welcomed, in my view.

What has been your biggest challenge in your role to date?

Although they have not necessarily been career barriers, I, like many, have been through some fairly tumultuous times in this industry with various global events providing significant challenges. We are in the middle of a fairly unique event in the shape of Covid, but I’m positive about the future for the UK.

Personally, while it’s been far from plain sailing, I’ve had some great support over my career from some very talented people, and I’d like to think that hard work has also played a small part in my achievements.

What is the best part of your job?

Seeing projects through to completion and receiving great feedback from our broker partners.

But my clear favourite is that I get to be a visionary for our industry. I can express and action new concepts, ideas and initiatives that could fundamentally change a long-established process to make it easier or quicker for customers. Finding new ways of doing things is what keeps us all moving forward.

If you had not chosen this career path, what other professions appealed to you?

Two very different directions from my current role: when I was younger I wanted to be an undertaker or a forensic pathologist.

If you were chancellor for a day, what would you prioritise?

A day just wouldn’t be enough! I would have to start with reforming the process for granting planning permission and approving the change of use for commercial spaces.

We have a housing shortage in this country and far too many properties that are not being used to their full potential due to the reams of red tape.

Do you have any secret talents?

I’m quite good at making cocktails, and drinking them — but I’m not sure that’s a secret.

What is the best advice you have received?

Be interested. You don’t have to try to be interesting; just listen to conversations going on around you and you’ll learn more than you can through talking.

Company profile

Year established: 2011

Headcount: 848

Address: Warley Hill Business Park, Lutea House, 7 The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, CM13 3BE

Tel: 0330 123 4521

Shawbrook is a specialist UK savings and lending bank founded in 2011 to serve the needs of SMEs and individuals in the UK with a range of lending and savings products. We are a growing UK specialist bank that challenges the conventional approach of the mainstream banks with our thoughtful and good-sense approach to the way we do business.

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