Broker Focus: Grey Matters Specialist Lending director Danny Robinson | Mortgage Strategy


Describe your firm in a few sentences

Our niche is in providing solutions to brokers and their clients for cases that do not always fit the mould or could be better structured.

We wanted to offer brokers a solution to not only package and place a case but also, more importantly, provide advice alongside it.

For many brokers, it is about not just finding a solution for their client but also having the time and knowledge to be able to deal with it effectively, because many forms of finance now require specialist knowledge of product type and legal process.

Offer something different from your peers, whether it be a product or service or even a combination of both

This is where we help, taking the case from enquiry through to completion and dealing with the client either directly or via the broker.

As a master broker, our operation revolves around the broker. They are our client, so our aim is to be an extension of their business. Doing a first-class job for their client results in us doing a first-class job for them.

We aim to deliver that ‘Jerry Maguire’ moment whereby brokers don’t just work with us but really want to use us.

What led you to become a broker?

I started life in financial services 27 years ago as a financial adviser at CIS Insurance (formerly Co-Op). I then transferred to HSBC as a mortgage adviser before moving to London’s West End as an independent financial adviser.

Our aim is to be a recognised brand in the specialist mortgage industry — a go-to solution for brokers and introducers alike

Over the years I found myself dealing with more and more clients requiring all types of finance, personal and business, which put me on the road to brokering.

Throughout my time in the West End, I gained knowledge of lenders and products that simply were not covered by the high street (yes, even back then).

This broader knowledge of the mortgage industry opened my eyes to a world of possibilities and is likely where my career in brokering truly took hold.

What plans do you have for your firm?

Since our launch in May 2017 we have seen so much uncertainty in the mortgage industry, with the recent turmoil of Brexit. Now we are all trying to come to terms with the pandemic.

 Our operation revolves around the broker. They are our client, so our aim is to be an extension of their business

I am not ashamed to admit that getting through these times is challenging, so it is easy not to look too far ahead.

But we remain positive and our aim is to be a recognised brand in the specialist mortgage industry — a go-to solution for brokers and introducers alike.

We have plans to increase and maintain awareness of our brand. As a relatively young and small company, growth is important. We can achieve that only by increasing our client base of brokers and introducers.

Look out, LinkedIn!

What single thing could lenders do to improve brokers’ lives the most?

It is difficult to limit to one thing because we all know, as brokers, there is much that lenders could do to improve how we operate.

For me, though, it would be to innovate, innovate, innovate.

I am not sure the industry needs to encourage an intake as I believe there are many new entrants, year in, year out

Offer something different from your peers, whether it be a product or service or even a combination of both.

The industry is much of a muchness when it comes to lenders, with very little difference at either end of the spectrum.

What advice do you have for a broker just starting out?

Make time for yourself.

Brokering is not a 9-to-5 job and will continually take up time that others would deem to be social time. It is so easy to dip into emails or take a call in the evenings or at weekends, or while on holiday. Clients can and will be selfish like that, so you need to resist the urge to deal with it.

We aim to deliver that ‘Jerry Maguire’ moment whereby brokers don’t just work with us but really want to use us

They will always be there tomorrow — trust me.

How can the industry encourage a new intake of brokers?

I am not sure the industry needs to encourage an intake as I believe there are many new entrants, year in, year out — be they brand new to the industry or moving on from other parts of it, such as lending.

If you would like your firm to be featured in Broker Focus, please email Mortgage Strategy deputy editor Gary Adams at: [email protected]

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