Landlords ask for safety cert extension - Mortgage Strategy


The National Residential Landlords Association believes that a six-month extension on the validity of gas and electrical safety certificates is necessary to help stop the coronavirus spreading.

It says that 38 per cent of landlords are currently struggling to find maintenance contractors and that 35 per cent are running into problems completing work in properties due to self-isolation, be that themselves or their tenants.

Meanwhile, 26 per cent of landlords are having difficulties finding contractors for essential gas and other safety checks. The NRLA says that it is easy to see this number increasing as time goes on and more checks become due.

It adds that granting a six-month extension to these safety certificates would match the government’s action on MOTs.

The association also brings to attention the fact that from 1 July, new electrical installation condition reports are due to be introduced, which will see inspectors checking writing in property, “possibly tacking a number of hours,” making self-isolation impossible.

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “While landlords should ensure that urgent work to ensure properties are safe for tenants is carried out, routine maintenance and checks need to be delayed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“Extending the life of gas and electrical safety certificates will protect landlords and tenants from unnecessary contact and provide landlords with legal protection from enforcement action where they are simply unable to get such work undertaken through no fault of their own.”

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