City mortgage holders trail rural counterparts: Nottingham Trent | Mortgage Strategy


Mortgage holders living in cities and other urban areas are more likely to struggle with their monthly repayments than those who live in rural locations, according to Nottingham Trent University.

Borrowers in urban areas spend on average 38% of their monthly income on their mortgage payments, its study found. This compares to 26% for people in rural areas, leaving them with more disposable income.

The report – taken from an analysis of 30,000 UK households over an eight-year period – also shows that just 38% of borrowers in urban areas have fixed-rate mortgages, compared to 62% of those in rural areas.

It says: “Fixed-rate mortgages usually yield lower interest rates for borrowers, making mortgage payments more affordable. But only those with the highest amounts of equity in their homes can access the lowest fixed-rate mortgages on the market.”

The study found that average loan-to-value ratios in urban areas is 84%, in contrast to 68% in rural areas, “which shows that people in rural areas on average have twice as much equity in their homes as their city-dwelling counterparts”.

It also says that an increase in new-build homes resulted in the housing market experiencing worsening mortgage affordability, “possibly due to higher prices for newly built homes and a relaxation of lending conditions, leading to an increase in house prices overall”.

The report comes as the Bank of England is widely expected to raise the base rate, by perhaps as much as 0.5%, for the sixth time in a row on Thursday.

The Bank has lifted the base rate five consecutive times since December from a historic low of 0.1% to 1.25%, a 13-year high, to combat rising inflation, which hit 9.4% in June, setting a fresh 40-year record.

Nottingham Trent University mortgage finance expert Dr Alla Koblyakova, who led the study, says: “This research shows that there is a clear asymmetric distribution of risk within the UK mortgage market, which policymakers may need to consider when formulating mortgage policy decisions.

“The HomeOwners Alliance recommends that no more than 35% of post-tax income should go on mortgage payments – so it is concerning that the average rate for UK households in urban areas is already above this, while interest rates remain at historically low levels.

“These numbers show us that living in urban areas leads to greater indebtedness and increases the likelihood of homeowners being on riskier variable-rate mortgages, which are subject to interest rate hikes.

“By contrast, people residing in more rural locations are more likely to be on lower interest fixed-rate deals which do not fluctuate with changes to the Bank of England base rate.

“So, any changes to monetary policy decisions could have a disproportionate impact on people living in cities and other urban areas, when compared to those in rural locations.”

“This research shows that variations in people’s incomes, house prices and mortgage lending conditions may have created different patterns in the UK mortgage landscape.

“Future income shocks – such as increases to the Bank of England base rate – will have a diverse impact on households and their ability to repay their mortgage, leading to an asymmetric response to monetary policy changes nationally.”

The report is taken from the university’s wider Understanding Society Survey.

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