MBE 2021: Creative products needed in green buy-to-let mortgage space - Mortgage Introducer


He explained that while he is a fan of green mortgages they do not meet expectations. He said: “The fact is that once you meet an EPC rating of C or above you are offered a better rate by a lender but this is not enough.”

The panel consisted of Phil Riches from Keystone, Richard Boyle from BC Invest, Grant Hendry from Foundation Home Loans, Jane Simpson from TBMC and Paul Brett from Landbay.

Lenders and the government need to do more within this area of the industry and provide creative offerings to customers that benefit both the environment and the customer, added Hendry.

He believes that if the products were more creative, this would encourage people to capital raise and make home improvements to meet the standard that is required.

Riches from Keystone, said that in terms of green mortgages, he believes they have a place in the market, however they require innovation.

He said: “The real struggle brokers have at the moment is actually trying to find a green mortgage within their sourcing systems. Until sourcing systems are able to provide a link to those that are available within the market and what you can provide for your clients, then you can try and sell sand to the sahara.

“The innovation can come, the remortgages are there, but if you do not know what they are then you cannot sell them and that is what needs to happen in the market.”