Blog: Yorkshire Building Society renews partnership with Whistlebrook Mortgage Finance Gazette


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Whistlebrook Limited has announced that Yorkshire Building Society has chosen to extend its relationship with Whistlebrook for the use of its regulatory reporting (WIRES), financial planning (WFP) and effective interest rates (WBEIR) (fee and interest income recognition).

The renewal of the partnership reflects the positive working relationship that Yorkshire Building Society and Whistlebrook have mutually cultivated.

Christina Bailey, Finance Systems & Change Manager at Yorkshire Building Society stated: “We value the quality of the Whistlebrook support, software, and our very positive working relationship.”

“We are pleased to have extended our partnership and we look forward to working together in the years to come.”

Andy Hudders, Whistlebrook Company Director added: “We are delighted that Yorkshire Building Society has chosen to continue to work with us. We are committed to supporting Yorkshire Building Society in complying with future regulatory reporting changes, and I thank them for their continued trust in Whistlebrook.”