Black Butte is a Wonderful Central Oregon Hike


For a Great Aerobic Workout and Great Views, Hike Black Butte

Black Butte is an iconic landmark just outside Sisters Oregon and over the years has also been a fire lookout. Today it is a terrific hike climbing 1600 feet in just under 2 miles. When hiked Black Butte on May 8, 2021, the weather was cloudy and cool, but the trail was free from snow until just before the top of the butte. To access the trail head, travel west on Highway 22 five miles past Sisters until you reach the Indian Ford Campground exit (milepost 95). Travel on paved Forest Road 11 until you reach unpaved Forest Road 1110. Travel on 1110 just under six miles to the trailhead (the last mile is quite narrow and rough).  The trail head requires a forest pass and the parking area can fill up early.  

The path to the top of the Butte is well maintained and popular. We saw people running the path to the top and others hiking with children. On May 8th, the wind was blowing at the top of the Butte and it was chilly; those dressed in running shorts didn't stay long. We were dressed for cool weather and were able to enjoy the time at the top seeing the lookouts and the brand new observation deck still under construction. 

During our hike down, we were amazed at the numbers of people we passed climbing up. During that two mile trek down, we estimate we passed 70 people hiking up. Obviously others enjoy climbing Central Oregon mountains as much as we do!