Island Sotheby's International Realty Agents, Mino McLean and Ryan MacLaughlin, Talk Pickleball on Maui!


Tell us about your history with Pickleball and how you became passionate about it. 

Mino: I trained as a tennis player with about 20 years of playing competitive tennis but was sidelined during covid with an injury. Pickleball was a way to get my competitive outlet to remain active and social without as much pain. I have now grown to love it and no longer need to play tennis. I love it because it is fast-paced, a new challenge, and a super fun community of players who are all equally addicted. On any given day, you can find a match on this island.  

Ryan: My history with Pickleball was born out of Covid! It was a sport that everyone got into with the lockdown. In Hawaii especially, there was nothing to do other than surf, so it was a great outlet, and all of my friends decided to try it one day.    


What do you like to share with people about Pickleball on Maui?  

Mino: We can play year-round, it's super fun, and when you find your player's level, you can push each other to improve. Maui allows for year-round play, and with our various weather zones, you can see clear courts to play on somewhere on the island daily.  

Ryan: The entry barrier to the game is almost nonexistent. It's such an easy game to learn that everyone should try it.    


What is something people might not know about Pickleball on Maui?  

Mino: Maui Country Club has courts in the most beautiful setting; Makena has the best course, but it's hard to get in the gate, Kula Community Center has a group that plays every Tuesday/Thursday at 8-11 am, and Kihei Courts are happening every day with visitors joining in and bringing fun at all levels of play.  

Ryan: Our social circles are so tight yet so connected that the sport is perfect for connecting everyone, both locals and visitors. There are courts everywhere, both public and private. It's the weather! You can play 365 days a year! It doesn't matter where you live or stay on the island; there's a court!    


What are some of the best memories of Pickleball on Maui you have?  

Mino: I am still making them! There is a big tournament in January, and the community lines up its partners well in advance. Link to tournament!   

Ryan: I love meeting the people traveling the world that play the game. I remember playing one day with my friends, and then 20 minutes later, we played with a guy from Brazil, one from Japan, and one from Canada. Amazing!    


What is the pickleball community like in Maui? 

Mino: Thriving, growing, friendly, competitive, and fun  

Ryan: Maui is so welcoming to the visitors that this sport is perfect for the island.   


Where are your favorite courts on the island? 

Mino: Maui Country Club.   

Ryan: I love the Maui Country Club Courts bc they are in my backyard. You are literally playing on the beach! You can jump in the ocean right after you play. The Kihei courts are the same, with an even better ocean view!!! You can smell the sea while you are playing. The only other place I played was in Denver and at Congress Park. The people are so cool, and it's like a second home for me. It's a public park with four courts, and plans for more soon. It's all pickup games, so you put your paddle on the fence and wait for three others to join. That's your team. So fun to meet people that way.    


What are some of your favorite places in Maui and the world to play Pickleball?  

Mino: There is a fun tournament in Bend, Oregon, each summer and multiple tournaments going on across the country year-round. You can find a game to go to every weekend if you want to travel. Of course, we all strive to make the National Championships held at the Indian Wells Tennis Center in November!   

Ryan: My dream would be to play on Bainbridge Island one day, where the sport was invented!