SimplyBiz Group Protection Events top 1000 bookings | Mortgage Introducer


The SimplyBiz Group Protection Events have attracted more than 1000 bookings since their launch two weeks ago.

The events, which begin on Thursday 7 May, will run on the Group’s new virtual platform and take place on six dates, finishing on the 18 June.

Featuring sessions on subjects as wide-ranging as family income benefit, business protection, the importance of protection in retirement planning and taking a holistic approach to advice, the events include presentations from Vitality, Guardian, Royal London, Zurich, Aegon and LV=, in addition to The SimplyBiz Group.

Martin Reynolds, Chief Executive of SimplyBiz Mortgages, said: “The interest from Members for our Protection Events has been nothing short of phenomenal. Our face-to-face events are always very popular, but the desire to continue to learn shows the professionalism in the adviser community.

“We have created a varied set of presentations from nine providers covering all aspects of the protection market, all delivered via our new virtual platform. The positive reactions we have seen from members and their clients over the past seven weeks has shown that the importance of protection in a changing world is greater now than ever.

“Ensuring you have the most up to date knowledge is key.”

The Protection Events form part of The SimplyBiz Group’s new virtual calendar, which has taken over 2,500 bookings in total to date.