Where We Are Now: April 16, 2020


Work From Home — Day 32

Personal Best Time — The Standard & Experiences

5:15AM PST

Team –

Personal Best Time is not measured by a stopwatch today. It’s now measured by our behavior. In our recent survey, when asked about “safety” post-SIP, an overwhelming majority of you referenced the behaviors of others as your number one greatest concern.

We have always been leaders. As a team we have always driven to our shared vision! We have managed through noise, observed competitors but not reacted to their path. Why? If we own our vision and direction, why would others’ actions be relevant.

In SIP time. Play by the rules. Set a standard of excellence. Be your personal best. We do not need to police the bad actors, but we simply do not need to engage. Why? Because in our survey, you indicated it was your number one concern for your safety and the safety for your clients.

Set your personal best course of habits and execute! People will notice and follow.

Great e-mail from Sherrie Pearlstein in Orinda yesterday. “We are all good. The market is going to be fine. Please remember, most of us were writing offers on a napkin, in the dark, before fax machines and cell phones that weighed 20 pounds. You can’t stop us. All is well. Trust the team you play on and know that we are all here for each other.” Thanks Sherrie! Simple thoughts are important today.

My passions in life are experiences, not material possessions. As an empty nester, pre-SIP, weekend travel was a huge part of my life. I would never want to decide on a preference of mountains or beaches. I love them both. Big cities are not really for me.

This past weekend, Grace [20], encouraged us to stop with CNN, CNBC, ESPN replays and jump to YouTube. Specifically, Teton Gravity Research. HQ Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This is my magic place for skiing in North America. We have amazing friends there in the real estate business, Matt & Julie Faupel. Maybe Grace is looking for a referral fee to memorialize my passion for experiences?

To start your day, grab your coffee, tea or kale mixer – this is 27 minutes I know you have, and I think you will enjoy!

You can just listen, just watch, or both. Either way you will 100% be inspired. Fire on the Mountain. Settle in, rehearse for greatness and let the music define your course.

I am looking forward to Nick Segal’s, Negotiate This! Today at 1PM PST. Join the call. My guess is there will be themes of personal best!

Make today the first day of your next personal best! Start with behavior and finish with results!

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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