MRI Software acquires Housing Partners | Mortgage Introducer


The acquisition will add Housing Partners’ Housing Jigsaw, Streetwise, TAIM and HomeSwapper product brands to MRI’s suite of residential property management technology options, MRI Living.

Housing Partners’ solutions are used by social housing providers, local authorities and directly by tenants, with emphasis on issues such as homelessness and tenant safety.

Patrick Ghilani (pictured), chief executive officer of MRI Software, said: “We are proud to welcome Housing Partners to the MRI family, adding an exciting and innovative range of digital solutions to our powerful and interoperable MRI Living residential portfolio.

“This acquisition expands MRI’s ability to facilitate the delivery of front-line services, helping social housing providers bring increased flexibility, mobility, safety and security to communities – building on our commitment to improving the lives and experiences of social housing tenants through the power of technology.”

Jonathan Prew, chief executive officer of Housing Partners, said: “Becoming part of MRI Software brings the potential for far greater scalability.

“MRI’s global experience and technology will enable us to bring the benefits of software to many more people.

“It will also support our clients in their desire to speed up digital transformation, the need for which has been heightened by the COVID-19 crisis as the social housing sector strives to deliver effective and efficient services remotely.”