Tenet Group adds Reliance Bank to panel | Mortgage Introducer


Reliance Bank bills itself as a socially responsible bank and was formed by William Booth the founder of The Salvation Army back in 1890.

Gareth Byrne (pictured), head of mortgages for Reliance Bank, said: “I am delighted to make our products available to Tenet’s advisers, we see this as another important step in the Bank’s journey to help mortgage advisers find our products and services and be able to provide their clients a solution to their needs and requirements.

“More and more people are looking to borrow money in a socially responsible way.

“That’s exactly what your clients can expect with Reliance Bank.”

Ben Wright, director of strategic development at Tenet, added: “We are excited to add Reliance Bank to our mortgage lender panel.

“We’re continually striving to provide our advisers with access to the best products and services available in the market and we believe that Reliance Bank’s products, expertise and socially responsible approach make them a fantastic addition to the panel.”