3 High-Producing Nurture Plans from Our Real Estate Clients


The trouble is, cutting through the inbox clutter is no easy feat. New to the world of email marketing? Then you may be unfamiliar with the importance of segmenting your email lists. According to DMA, 77% of email marketing ROI came from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. The good news is, with the right tools it can be crazy simple to slice and dice your database effectively, and run innovative and effective campaigns.

After nearly a decade tracking what works in our sharing library, a gallery of nurture plans ranked by an algorithm measuring both reply and spam rates, we’ve found the fundamentals for success are plans with short, to the point emails that incorporate template text options like “time of day” and “day of the week.” Plans that span across a longer period of time, touching base once every few weeks, also perform well – Here are some high-performing campaigns for 3 different lead scenarios you may encounter to help get you started on the path to email marketing success.

Email Nurture Campaign to Qualify Buyer Leads

It’s no secret that your “speed to lead” can make or break your opportunity to turn them into a client. Setting up a campaign to instantly connect with prospects who visit your site is the ideal way to keep up with buyers who may be far out in the process, guide them through their search, and stay top of mind without having to do too much legwork.



Here’s a great basic campaign to start the conversation with folks who are using your website so start their home search.

First touch:

Just a quick note to introduce yourself and make it clear that you are at the ready to provide them with value and assistance.

Subject: Thanks for stopping by! {VisitorFirstName},

I hope you are having a great {TimeOfDay}. I just wanted to shoot you a quick email to thank you for stopping by {CompanyWebsite} to search for homes. I hope that you are able to find the information you are looking for easily.

Is there anything specific that I can help you find at the moment?

Best regards,



4 days later:

Since they’re using your website to search for homes, your second touch should be the opportunity to set them up on alerts for new properties and property changes that might meet their search criteria. This is a great way to position yourself as a local expert and provide valuable listing updates that will keep them “ahead of the game” with property updates. Appeal to their sense of FOMO

Subject: Listing updates Hi {VisitorFirstName},

I just wanted to send a quick note to see if you were finding {CompanyWebsite} helpful in your home search. I want to respect your privacy, but I’d like to set you up on the listing updates, so you’ll receive email alerts for properties that match your specific search criteria.

We don’t want you to miss out! These updates will ensure you’re the first to know when new properties come on the market or when the price is reduced on properties that you might be interested in.  Just let me know the specific criteria you are looking for, and I will be happy to create that alert for you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards, {AgentName}

5 days later:

Send a quick check in. If you’re still not making contact with your prospect, this email is a gentle nudge and an opportunity to make sure they’re set up for the best information.

Subject: Checking In

Hi {VisitorFirstName},

I just wanted to check with you to make sure you still wanted me to send you daily listing updates? I don’t want to bombard you with information, and I know things change along the way, so I just want to send you the best properties to look at.

Please let me know if there are any “tweaks” we should make! Thanks for coming back to {CompanyWebsite} and we look forward to working with you!

Best Regards, {AgentName}

2 days later:

Another gentle check in to keep yourself top of mind and remind them that there is a real, knowledgeable expert on the other side of the website.

Subject: Let’s find your dream home Good {TimeOfDay}, {VisitorFirstName},

I just wanted to check in with you to make sure we didn’t drop the ball on anything, and that we are getting you the information you need. {CompanyWebsite} is great for research, but sometimes it’s good to know there is also a person available to help you find your dream home!

Thank you for stopping by the site, and please let me know if I can do anything to assist you!

Best Regards, {AgentName}

Email Nurture Campaign to Qualify Seller Leads (11 Day Plan)

Most agents know the importance of attracting seller leads, and many employ digital marketing effectively to do just that. They use targeted facebook ads, market effectively to their geographic farms, and they incorporate tools like a seller valuation page, or a landing page that provides potential sellers with an estimate on the value of their home and a report of their market if they simply fill out a quick form. But, what you do after you capture that information is critical.

Here’s a great example of an email campaign that’s designed to nurture seller prospects who have registered on your home valuation page. 

First email:

While reports are generated through third party sites, once a seller lead registers, set this email to trigger to showcase your hyper-local expertise and introduce yourself. 

Subject: How Much is Your Home Really Worth?

Good {TimeOfDay}, {VisitorFirstName},

Thank you for requesting a valuation on your property. The automated valuation you received is a great starting point in your research, but it uses third party sold data in order to provide an instant valuation. I have created a custom valuation for your property using more recent sold data, my current market analysis and years of area experience that will provide you with a more accurate idea of the value of your property.

May I bring it by, or would you prefer it in email form?

I look forward to hearing from you,


3 days later:

Your second touch is just a simple check in to keep yourself in their inbox, and try to gather more information about their timeline. 

Subject: Checking In

Hi {VisitorFirstName},

I hope you are doing well on this {DayOfWeek} {TimeOfDay}. You requested an automated valuation for your property a few days ago and I am checking in to see if you have a specific timeline that you are looking to list?

Have a great day,


4 days later:

Add more value! You have access to the latest listing information, and this is a great time to set them up on alerts as new properties hit the market in their area. Offer to keep them in the loop on the freshest comps and keep the conversation going. 

Subject: Listing Updates in Your Neighborhood

Good {TimeOfDay}, {VisitorFirstName},

I would like to set you up on listing updates for properties similar to yours. Many of my clients find these alerts helpful as it allows you to keep an up-to-date idea of properties like yours that are coming on the market. How frequently would you care to receive these alerts?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


4 days later:

With a click-worthy subject line and more assistance, this is a gentle nudge for conversation. 

Subject: Did I Drop the Ball?

Hi {VisitorFirstName},

I just wanted to make sure that I haven’t dropped the ball in any way. I am here to assist you, even if you are not interested in listing at this time. Are there any questions that I may answer for you regarding your specific property or the state of the current market?

Let me know how I may help!



Email Nurture Campaign for Leads Working with Another Agent (40 Day Plan)

Ever had a prospect consistently using your website and tools, but they’ve already let you know they’re working with another agent? Frustrating. Here’s a great way to keep up a relationship during their process.

First email:

Offer assistance, but acknowledge that you understand they’re working with someone else right now. 

Subject: Happy house hunting!

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

Thanks again for registering with {CompanyWebsiteAsLink}.  You mentioned that you were already working with an agent to help find your next home.  I’m sure he or she will find the best option for your needs here in {CompanyServiceArea}.  In the meantime please continue to use {CompanyWebsiteAsLink} to help in your search.

If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email.

Best of luck in your search.



10 days later:

Send a simple check in and a friendly offer of assistance in their search. 

Subject: Any questions about using COMPANY WEBSITE?

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

I hope you’re having a great {DayOfWeek} and still enjoying the many features of {CompanyWebsiteAsLink}.  Do you have any questions on how to use the site?  I want to make sure you get the most out of your experience.  Call me at {AgentOfficePhone} if you need anything.

Happy house hunting!



10 days later:

Another friendly check in. Have you set them up to receive listing alerts? If not, set them up to receive something like the below email. If you have set them up to receive  e-alerts of some sort, skip down to the next email. 

Subject: Daily property updates that match your search

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know about our listing alert feature.  By registering on {CompanyWebsiteAsLink} you can receive daily emails with a list of properties matching your search.  Be on the lookout for these to come and please let me know if there are any specific locations and/or price ranges I should consider when creating your listing alert.

Enjoy the rest of your {DayOfWeek}.



If you have set them up to receive alerts, then send this email:

Subject: Changes to your listing alerts?

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

I hope you’re enjoying the listing alerts I’ve been sending.  Sometimes they get sent straight to spam so I wanted to make sure you were receiving the emails. Let me know if there are any tweaks that I should make for you – I’m always happy to help.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy the rest of your {DayOfWeek}.



10 days later:

Has the prospect continued visiting your website in the past 30 days? This is another good trigger variation to include. If they have visited your website, then set them up to receive the below. If not, skip this email in favor of the next.

Subject: Checking in:

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

Thank you for continuing to use my website! We’re constantly looking for ways to improve the site, so please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

I just wanted to quickly check in to see how the search is going?  Here is a list of properties that have just hit the market in case you haven’t seen them yet:

{WebsiteLink:”Newest Property Listings”}



Here’s the email that should be set to trigger if they have not visited your site in the past 30 days: 

Subject: Did I drop the ball?

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

You haven’t visited {CompanyWebsiteAsLink} recently, so I wanted to check in and make sure I didn’t drop the ball on anything.



10 days later:

Your final check in, phew!  

Subject: Another friendly check in

Good {TimeOfDay} {VisitorFirstName},

Just checking in to see if you’ve found any properties you like?

Have a great rest of your {DayOfWeek}!

{AgentFirstName} {AgentLastName}

Email is one of the most powerful channels for lead nurturing. It’s a one-on-one interaction that can be highly personalized based on where a prospect is in their buying or selling process. When you empower your online marketing campaigns with the right tools, you create successful, repeatable processes that simplify your work and help you grow your business.