Dispute Service named as New Homes Ombudsman | Mortgage Strategy


The Dispute Service has won the six-month bid to act as the New Homes Ombudsman, the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB) has confirmed.

The ombudsman, through the ‘New Homes Quality Code’, will be charged with providing redress for buyers of new homes that do not reach certain standards, as well as ensuring housebuilders provide sufficient services once the buyers have moved in and making sure any complaints are handled appropriately.

The code will be published in December while the ombudsman itself will launch in the New Year.

NHQB says it chose the Dispute Service with “its forward thinking and customer focussed approach” alongside an “impressive” track record of dispute resolution.

The Dispute Service group director of resolution Alison MacDougall has been named the ombudsman designate.

NHQB chairman Natalie Elphicke OBE comments: “A new home is the biggest purchase most of us will ever make and so it is right that we put the strongest protections in place to protect consumers buying a new home.”

“The ombudsman and the powerful New Homes Quality Code will drive up the quality of new homes and improve the service housebuilders provide to their customers.

“The appointment of the ombudsman is a major milestone. It comes after a six-month long competitive procurement process that was run on public procurement principles.

The Dispute Service proved that it had the necessary skills and experience to deliver an effective, efficient and robust New Homes Ombudsman Service. They have a clear plan to create the powerful independent body that new home buyers deserve.”

The NHQB came into being in February this year.

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