Seven New, Innovative Black Friday Traditions | Mortgage Investors Group


Seven New, Innovative Black Friday Traditions

Traditionally, after Thanksgiving dinner, millions of us have rushed to the stores and malls to get a jump on our holiday shopping. Some of us started our shopping on Thanksgiving proper, while others got up early to brave the enormous crowds for those awesome, in-store Black Friday deals.

With COVID-19 raging, many people have decided to forgo their Black Friday shopping traditions to avoid the crowds and the risk. But what’s an avid shopper who looks forward to this day all year to do? There are still fun activities that you and your family can enjoy together on the day formerly known as Black Friday. Here are seven ideas that could become your new Black Friday routine.

Plan A Group Shopping Spree… Virtually

Instead of piling into the car to hit the sales, sit around the kitchen table and accomplish the same thing. Set a start time, and everyone who’s normally involved in the Black Friday shopping needs to bring either a laptop or tablet and grab a spot alongside other participants. Dive into the websites with the best deals and claim them for yourself. Share snacks and conversation safely at home without the stress of finding parking spaces or being hit by an overenthusiastic shopper’s cart.

…Hosting A Craft-Making Party Put you family’s inner artistic talent to work. Buy some materials and let everyone make their own decorative Christmas wreath. Or grab some materials and instructions on making Christmas ornaments. Candles are wonderful gifts, so a candle-making craft session would be a fun one to do, too. Another idea that could get you into the holiday spirit would be to make your Christmas cards yourself.

Have A “Best Deal” Contest

If your family is competitive, why not make your virtual shopping even more interesting with a contest? Everyone can try to find the best deal and the deepest discount. At the end of the day, each person makes the case of why their shopping bargains are the best. Whoever ended up saving the most money wins the Best Shopper award.

Some people may decide to ditch the shopping altogether on Black Friday and finish their holiday shopping another day. If you’re looking for a more creative way to spend the day after Thanksgiving, think about…

Volunteer at Your Local Animal Shelter

If you are ready for a little space from your family, load up and make a visit to the animal shelter and offer to walk the dogs. You will make a dog’s day! Chances are good there won’t be any crowds there, and you and the pooch could both benefit from a long walk outdoors. If you’re more of a cat person, offer to clean out their litter boxes, or stock up on cat food and treats beforehand to take as a donation.

Compete in a Game Day Pop some popcorn, settle into your jammies, and play some games with the family! Depending on the age group of people playing, you could get into a serious game of Monopoly, poker, or Trivial Pursuit. If you have younger players, lay out some Chutes and Ladders, Old Maid, Jenga, or other age-appropriate games. Mild weather may tempt you outdoors. Set up a cornhole board, throw horseshoes, or lay out a relay course around the yard. If your family likes video games best, do a playoff of everyone’s favorite game for bragging rights.

Write Some Holiday Letters Many people would adore receiving a hand-made Christmas card. If you don’t want to send them to your family, take Black Friday and write to our soldiers who won’t be home for the holidays, or to the residents of a local nursing home who may not get to enjoy family visits. You will end up having fun with your family and doing some good at the same time.

Decorate for Christmas Finally, don’t procrastinate getting your home ready for the holiday! Put your tree up, hang your garland and lights, and add all the other decorations that bring out your holiday spirit. Find some festive tunes to listen to while you do it. This way you can enjoy your Christmas decorations longer than usual AND stay out of the Black Friday hustle and bustle.

This year our holidays may be different, and Black Friday shopping just may not play as big of a part as it normally does. The good news is that we can still have fun, spend time with family, and get some things accomplished. Who knows? Whatever you decide to do may be even more fun than your traditional shopping plans, and you may decide to incorporate it into your traditions every year.


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