Berkeley Alexander new business income up 10% - Mortgage Introducer


Berkeley Alexander saw an 18% increase in new introductions in the same period, whilst renewal income rose year-on-year.

Geoff Hall, chairman at Berkeley Alexander, said: “It is pleasing to see this continued growth, despite difficult hard market conditions.

“We have remained committed to our strategy of focussing on the more niche areas of the market; providing IFAs and mortgage brokers with access to a range of products and insurers, and not just seeking vanilla household, and this strategy continues to drive significantly greater volumes of general insurance for our intermediary partners.

“We recently moved into much larger and more modern offices to cater for our growth and provide room for further expansion.

“Our team has worked tirelessly through COVID to service client needs remotely, although I must say it has been fantastic to have the team together again under one roof pre-Omicron – it has given us all a renewed sense of dynamism.

“We’ve also had a number of new starters join the team in the last few weeks and have plans for further recruitment over the next few months.”