How to Avoid COVID-19 Cabin Fever | Mortgage Investors Group


How to Avoid COVID-19 Cabin Fever

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel with the COVID-19 vaccines being distributed, but we must still remain vigilant. That means staying home, away from crowds, and avoiding public indoor spaces. With the cold temperatures discouraging hanging out outside, the days and weeks of winter can start to seem endless. It’s important to keep your body and mind active so you don’t get anxious or depressed from being cooped up. Here are some smart ways you can avoid COVID-19 cabin fever.

Learn Something New Ever wanted to speak Spanish? Learn to paint? Knit? Play the guitar? If you’ve put those ideas off until you have more time, here it is! Find some videos or enroll in an online class. It will be fun, pass lots of time, and be beneficial to you in the long run.

Socialize Virtually You don’t have to be in person to catch up with friends. Ask a handful of them to attend a Zoom meeting so you can all visit, or set up a time to chat with your favorites one on one. Visiting virtually isn’t limited to friends close by, so take advantage of the extra time to reconnect with long-distance loved ones.

Bundle Up and Head Outdoors Even if it’s cold, a bit of time outdoors works wonders for your spirit. Take a walk, shovel some snow, or sit in the sun and read a book. The fresh air is sure to brighten your spirits – and give you a break from your home’s four walls.

Exercise Regularly Regular physical activity offers all kinds of benefits, especially during a winter pandemic. Set aside time every day to take a walk, stretch, do Pilates or yoga, or lift weights. If you like the social aspect of working out, check into local gyms that offer live-streamed classes you can join. Exercising will lift your mood, help you sleep better, and might even tone you up and help you shed some pounds.

Reconnect With Activities You Love Being busy with life’s responsibilities may have caused you to stop doing things you enjoyed. Get back into them! Did you play the piano, do needlepoint, or read books? Add them back into your schedule. Enjoyable pastimes will go a long way toward making it through this pandemic.

Practice Cooking There are tons of chefs who do videos you can use to up your cooking game. Experiment with new recipes and ingredients, and try those complex dishes that you never had time to cook before. You’ll have fun doing it, and your family will love eating them.

Tackle a Home Improvement Project You might be sick to death of looking at the same interior decor. Well, change it up! Start with a simple endeavor like painting one room or rearranging the furniture. Switch items out of one room into another, or frame and hangs some photos down your halls or up your stairwell. Freshening your decor will lighten your mood and improve your surroundings at the same time.

Get Plenty of Sleep Lack of sleep can cause all sorts of health issues. Don’t get into a habit of staying up super late and then being groggy all day. Go to bed at a decent hour and wake up at the same time every morning. This keeps your body in a rhythm so you can feel good and be prepared to go “back to normal” when you get the chance.

Meditate Many people are taking up mindfulness and meditation. It’s easy to start, since you just need to download an app to your phone. Start with just a few minutes, find a quiet place and follow a guided meditation. Do this daily, increasing the amount of time you meditate, and you’re bound to see a difference in your mood and perspective.

Plan for the Post-Pandemic Future Do you miss traveling? Plan a trip. Love having parties? Plan a huge shindig. Think about the things you love that you can’t currently do, and start making plans to do them once you’re able. Researching them and getting the details together can take you hours, filling up some time with tasks you enjoy. It also gives you something to look forward to.

It’s easy to feel stir-crazy at this stage of the pandemic, especially since it’s cold outside. By proactively finding things you enjoy doing to pass your time, you’ll be able to make it to spring with a happy and healthy mood and attitude.

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