Atom bank joins Fiba as new lender partner Mortgage Strategy


Atom bank has joined the Financial Intermediary & Broker Association (Fiba) as a lender partner. 

The  Durham-based digital lender launched operations in April 2016 and offers secured business lending for small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Since its launch, it has funded more than £1bn to small- and medium-sized enterprises. 

Fiba executive chairman Adam Tyler comments: “My relationship with Atom bank goes back to its inception in 2016 and, from those early days onwards, the bank’s approach to commercial finance intermediaries has demonstrated particular merit.”

Atom bank head of business lending Tom Renwick adds: “Fiba is a progressive, forward-thinking and innovative organisation like ourselves, so we are excited about how we can work together to help Fiba members and their clients thrive.”

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