Air Later Life Academy accredited by LIBF | Mortgage Introducer


The academy provides later life advisers with structured CPD and training on a variety of core topics, ensuring members have a solid foundation of knowledge to best advise their clients.

Academy membership comes with access to enhanced products, commission terms and dedicated business support.

Members of the academy are able to complete their training and courses online in their own time, or via live sessions in workshops.

If they progress through seven modules they reach professional status.

Stuart Wilson (pictured), chief executive officer of AIR Group, said: “Securing accreditation from the LIBF has been the next stage in showing the quality and robustness of our training programme, and we have worked closely with the Institute in order to meet the high standards it expects.

“Having achieved those, we can rightfully position the academy as one of the premier providers of structured CPD and training in the later life advisory space.

“Part of our goal is to get as many advisers through to professional status as possible.

“What we need to show to consumers is they are in the safest of advisory hands when it comes to all their advice needs and by securing professional status, this is one further opportunity to develop consumer confidence in their proposition.”