Tips for Creating Meaningful Content as a Real Estate Agent During COVID-19


Real estate professionals have a unique opportunity right now amidst the obvious challenges of social distancing and the temporary slowdown in the housing market. Everyone is online. Social impressions are up 35% and more than ever people are seeking out digital information.


Because of this, it’s a great time to utilize your “hyper-local expertise” and leverage your insights within your market to be a guide and leader in your community. However, we’ve seen plenty of content that either (A) sounds self-serving and opportunistic, or (B) reads as tone-deaf and insensitive.


Here are a few tips for how you can create meaningful content that ends in a win-win scenario: you gain exposure and build relationships within your community and your audience gets access to helpful resources during a difficult time.  

Let Accurate, Helpful Information Be Your North Star

  Tom Ferry says it best, “There are a lot of people in the residential real estate space that are hiding. At a time when consumers are starving to be educated.” Now is the time when consumers want and need data to help them make informed decisions. (Some of the most important decisions of their lives.)

“There are a lot of people in the residential real estate space that are hiding. At a time when consumers are starving to be educated.”

Accuracy is key here as well. Stick to the facts, and if you’re going to share predictions – make sure they are from trusted expert sources. If you do share your opinion on predictions, just be sure to over-state that it is your opinion. Remember that things are in flux until we are “out of the woods” with the COVID-19 crisis and we can’t predict the future with 100% accuracy.  

  • Here are a Few Trusted Resources:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • World Health Organization
  • Small Business Administration
  • HousingWire
  • MarketWatch
  • Inman News
  • RISMedia
  • RETechnology
  • Keeping Current Matters



  Communication is King right now. You need to be actively getting in front of your clients and prospects as a resource with information. Even if they’re not asking questions right now, when they have questions in a few months – they’ll remember that you’re the one with all of the answers.   Call as many of your clients as you can, individually, to check in on them and let them know that you are available as a resource. Lead with empathy and education… This is NOT a sales call! Right now is the time for humanity to come first. Just remember that your actions during this crisis will affect your opportunities when the dust settles.   Not sure what to say? Check out this article written by Valerie Garcia. It is an incredible resource to help guide your messaging with script examples for what to say.  

  • Here are a few examples from Valerie:
  • “Hi there. I know that things are feeling pretty uncertain right now. I wish I had more news for you. I know it doesn’t feel like this, but this situation is temporary. As soon as the situation changes, we should see more traffic. Until then, we are doing everything right. I’ll keep in touch, even when there isn’t anything new to report, and you can call me anytime.”

  • “It’s hard to tell you exactly when things will change, but I can tell you that historically, this was the case…. In the past, this and this worked for us. We can prepare for that now, in case we see that pattern again.

  • “We are all feeling that way. Here are a couple things that helped me this week…”

  • “You are definitely not alone in that! This was super helpful for someone else in the same boat…”

  • “That is a super common question right now! I have typically been referencing this stat / offering this advice. Does that help you at all?

The Modern Agent’s Guide to Social Media Strategy

Create & Share Resources

  I’d argue that we’re actually not being “socially distant” right now, we are “physically distant.” Social, in fact, is more active than ever. Everyone is using their social platforms and consuming information digitally right now. So now is the time to create resources to share information with your networks.  

Video is critical right now. (Read: “Why Real Estate Agents Should be Leveraging Video Now More Than Ever) Video content is the most consumed content on social media and it’s the easiest way for you to get information to your audience while simultaneously sharing your brand and making a personal connection.   Consider creating video “check-ins” on Facebook and Instagram with updates or pertinent information in your market. Share inspiring things that you’ve seen in your community to add some positivity into your clients’ newsfeed. Is your business doing something to give back to the community right now? Make a video!  Keeping Current Matters is a fantastic tool to use, especially during this crisis. They create up-to-date, informative content and graphics for agents to share with their networks. If you’re not sure what to share right now, this is a great place to start.   Just remember that everyone is on edge. Everyone needs a little positivity, a little reassurance right now. Lead with humanity and compassion in everything that you do and you will see positive outcomes.

Browse more helpful resources to keep your business moving forward.