5 Morning Habits of the Most Successful Real Estate Professionals


Rise and shine! How do you begin your day? Are you pushing the snooze button and then racing against the clock to get out the door? Or are you truly in charge of your schedule. To be successful in real estate, motivation and efficiency aren’t merely useful, they are critical. The name of the game is to move through your day with intention. To be proactive instead of reactive. Pair all of these healthy habits with discipline and consistency – and you’ve got the recipe for boundless success.

1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise

If you haven’t already committed to being an early riser, now is the time. And by early, we mean really early (I hope you like sunrises)!

Consider these facts that are supported by scientific studies.

  • Night owls are more likely to be overwhelmed with negative thoughts
  • Waking up early is linked to better concentration, memory, and problem-solving
  • Early risers are less likely to procrastinate
  • Sticking to a disciplined morning routine makes you more likely to stick with your other daily habits

If science isn’t enough to convince you to get up bright and early, take a peek at the wake-up times of some of the most successful CEOs.

Apple CEO, Tim Cook – 3:45am PepsiCo CEO, Indra Nooyi – 4:00am Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey – 5:00am LinkedIn CEO, Jeff Weinar – 5:30am Oprah Winfrey – 6:00-6:20am Elon Musk – 7:00am

2. Eat Breakfast & Get in a Workout

What’s the best perk to getting up so early? You have time to accomplish personal things before heading into work. Exercising in the morning can feel daunting (or even impossible) if you have kids and a hectic schedule. But the truth is – it’s possible. It’s just a matter of whether you’re willing to stop making excuses and start being diligent.


If you don’t think it’s realistic that you’ll get to the gym, start with a 20-30 minute jog around your neighborhood. Or find a 15-minute cardio workout on YouTube. Where there is a will, there is a way!

Top 5 Reasons to Workout in the Morning

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased energy throughout the day
  • Fewer unhealthy cravings
  • Better quality sleep at night
  • Feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem

Rising early means there is no excuse for skipping breakfast. The science is indisputable here – breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Food = fuel, and fuel is exactly what you need in order to tackle your schedule head-on and meet your goals.


Tips for making good breakfast choices:

  • Avoid processed sugar. Read the nutritional labels of cereals, protein bars, etc. as they can be loaded with sugar.
  • Plan ahead. Time is of the essence, so make sure you can either grab something to-go or quickly whip something up. Sunday is a great day to “prep” for the week by making a batch of hard-boiled eggs, overnight oats, or muffin-tin frittatas.
  • Try to enjoy yourself. If you get up early enough, you can allow yourself to sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast. Have a cup of coffee, read the news or start browsing your emails, and get your mind ready for the day.
  • A snack is better than nothing! Keep some healthy snacks (almonds, protein bars, dried fruit, etc.) at your office or in your car, so if you are flying out the door you can still squeeze in a quick bite.

3. “Eat the Frog”

Coined by Brian Tracy, author of the book Eat That Frog, this refers to tackling your most important and daunting task of the day first. Most highly successful people start their day with a healthy morning routine. That means they are at “peak motivation” when they first sit down to begin working. That’s the time to complete your biggest challenge.


Maybe for you it’s cold-calling or completing all of your follow-ups. Perhaps door-knocking feels daunting to you… or working on your marketing strategies. Whatever your “frog” may be, tackling it first thing in the morning will help you feel more accomplished and supercharged for the rest of the day.

“Important task completion triggers the release of endorphins in your brain. These endorphins give you a natural “high.” The endorphin rush that follows successful completion of any task makes you feel more positive, personable, creative and confident.” – Brian Tracy

4. Plan, Strategize, Schedule

How often do you move through your day feeling in control? If you’re playing a constant game of “catch up,” you might need to improve your daily habits and boost your productivity.


In real estate, it can be tricky to have a completely set schedule. Appointments are always popping up, clients have to reschedule, and you have to jump on opportunities at a moments notice. But setting to-do lists and establishing a structured schedule can help you stay in control of your day.


Tips for a More Efficient Schedule

  • Make a to-do list each night for the next day.
  • Keep a physical calendar (desk calendar or planner) in addition to your digital schedule.
  • Time-block your days and your week. Example: Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-5 are for showings. Friday mornings are for marketing and business planning.
  • Set long-term goals and daily intentions.
  • Create a daily mantra! Take what inspires you the most, turn it into a mantra, repeat every morning.

5. Express Gratitude

It’s easy to assume that the most successful real estate professionals immediately jump into work first thing in the morning, but the pattern says otherwise. Taking time for family, for yourself, staying healthy, sleeping well, etc., are all top priorities for top producers.


Expressing gratitude in the morning is one of the best practices for your mental health. What are you grateful for? What is going right in your life? Take a minute to appreciate the things that you have, the people that you love, and the work that you do. This sets you on the right foot from the get-go.


How does Tom Ferry start his day?

  • Deep Breaths: “I start my morning routine with some deep breaths. These are the kind of breaths that are slow, focused, and fill your chest as your lungs expand. These breaths help me calm my mind, and push away all the distractions that we all face.”
  • Gratitude: “Keeping those deep breaths going, I focus on gratitude. I mentally go through about ten things that I’m thankful for like my family, my team, and even my dogs!”
  • Visualization: “I continue breathing deeply and visualize my day. I visualize the top three goals I have for the day, and being successful in all of them. I also visualize health and vitality in my body.”


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