JMT adds criteria to Knowledge Bank - Mortgage Introducer


Knowledge Bank now holds the full criteria of more than 250 lenders, and has upwards of 130,000 individual pieces of criteria.

Chris Jones, managing director at JMT, said: “We are delighted to have joined Knowledge Bank, and have been amazed at the response we have received already to our unique lending proposition.

“Over the last year, we have worked hard to put in place internal systems and structures to ensure we continue to meet the high level of service which our existing introducers and borrowers know us for, whilst at the same time increasing the size of our loan book.

“Having done so, we now feel Knowledge Bank is the ideal partner to help us gain exposure to a wider audience; delivering solutions for the more bespoke lending requirements.”

Jordan Garside, lender relationship manager at Knowledge Bank, added: “We are thrilled to have JMT onboard with Knowledge Bank.

“We aim to provide brokers with the most comprehensive selection of commercial criteria from the widest range of lenders.

“We feel that with their transparency, competitive loan-to-values (LTVs), and quick and tailored decisions, JMT will add a unique perspective to this lending type which will match our brokers equally unique client requirements.”