The Mortgage Works relaunches tracker products | Mortgage Strategy


The Mortgage Works (TMW) will reintroduce its range of tracker buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages from tomorrow (3 November).

The new BTL rates include a two-year tracker at 65% at 2.89% with a £1,995 fee.

In addition, it will add a two-year tracker at 75% at 2.99% with a £1,995 fee.

The products are available for purchase and remortgage with other rate/fee combinations also on offer.

All TMW Tracker products come with the Switch to Fix facility which allows customers to switch to an existing customer fixed rate without paying an early repayment charge.

TMW head Daniel Clinton says: “Following a brief withdrawal we have reintroduced our range of tracker buy to let mortgages supporting landlords looking for greater flexibility versus current fixed rate options.”

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