10 ZIP codes with the highest buyer demand in 2023


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Affordability and quality of life are the two key factors that determine the most desirable locations for buyers over the past 12 months. 

Affordable markets are popular with buyers who want to purchase a home and are willing to accept the current interest rates, which are elevated compared to lows seen over the past few years in the pandemic. At the same time, the quality of life in more expensive markets is attractive to high-earners who are less concerned with value for money.

Ranked on buyer demand as determined by how many times a property is seen and how long it stays on the market, properties in the top three ZIP codes are seen by an average of 4.5 times more unique viewers than the typical property in the U.S. and spend an average of 16.3 days on the market. 

Scroll through to see just how much prospective buyers are viewing listings for properties in the 10 most coveted ZIP codes in the country, as well as the median number of days they spend on the market.

Source: Realtor.com

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