Appetite for complex borrowing drops in third quarter: L&G | Mortgage Strategy


Fewer borrowers with complex financial situations looked for mortgage products during the third quarter of this year, data from L&G Mortgage Club’s SmartrCriteria shows.

The tool shows that in August, there was a 9% fall in searches for products for borrowers with debt management plans, an 8% drop for products for borrowers with unsecured arrears, and for those with unsatisfied defaults and those employed in contract work, by 9% and 8%, respectively.

And in September, searches for products for borrowers with satisfied defaults and with unsecured arrears fell by 10% and 7%.

Alongside this, searches for mortgages for capital raising purposes grew by 18% in August and September, sending this category of mortgage from the sixth-most searched term in August to the second-most searched term in the following month.

Interest from international buyers also increased significantly – by 160% in August, which L&G puts down to easing travel restrictions.

Legal & General Mortgage Club director Kevin Roberts says: “It is reassuring to see a wide range of factors driving demand in the mortgage market, especially in light of the stamp duty holiday ending.

“However, the crisis has in many cases complicated applicants’ financial circumstances and advisers must keep this front of mind.”

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