Mortgage Brain unveils coronavirus initiatives | Mortgage Introducer


Mortgage Brain has revealed a series of measures to help intermediaries and lenders as working practices rapidly change as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Following feedback and requests for help from intermediaries and lenders, Mortgage Brain has introduced a number of measures to support the industry as working practices change as a result of Coronavirus.

In order to reduce demand on lender and intermediary help desks Criteria Hub will be available to new customers for at least 90 days at no charge.

Furthermore, a number of new coronavirus criteria are currently being populated by lenders and will be made available shortly.

Intermediaries using MortgageBrain Classic will be able to have either MortgageBrain Anywhere or another laptop licence for MortgageBrain Classic for at least 90 days at no additional cost.

Mortgage Brain is also giving lenders the opportunity to make Criteria Hub available to their BDMs at no charge, allowing them to continue providing updates to intermediaries whilst working remotely.

Mortgage Brain is looking to assure brokers and lender partners that its operations are and can be conducted remotely, with normal business operating hours and services unaffected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mark Lofthouse (pictured), chief executive at Mortgage Brain, said: “At a difficult time like this it’s vital that we come together as an industry and do all we can to support each other.

“Borrowers still need the expert guidance and advice that intermediaries provide, and we must ensure advisers can continue to provide their services without additional financial concerns.

“Changes to working practices are being introduced at pace and we are doing all we can to help the industry alleviate these stresses and strains as they become apparent.”