Twenty7Tec integrates CloudTwenty7 with Together - Mortgage Introducer


Users of CloudTwenty7 now have access to Together’s mortgage, secured and bridging loan products, enabling them to source a product before referring applications to their preferred specialist distributer partners.

The SOURCE module of CloudTwenty7 analyses product, criteria and lender affordability.

Phil Quinn, head of national accounts at Together, said: “The current economic uncertainty is driving more and more borrowers to specialist lenders, as their circumstances may have changed during the pandemic.

“That why it’s crucial that intermediaries whose day-to-day business is from the mainstream mortgage market, and who may not be familiar with the specialist sector, have instant access to specialist products through sourcing systems such as CloudTwenty7.

“On the flip side, the platform offers data analytic tools that help us track in real time what brokers are searching for, which products are popular in the market and future trends, allowing us to tailor our own products and propositions to even better suit borrowers’ needs.

“Flexibility is always important in specialist lending but this has to be supported through improved technology such as sourcing systems to deliver an even better application journey for brokers and their clients.”

Nathan Reilly, director of lender relationships at Twenty7tec, added: “Through our data analytics module, INSIGHT, we’ve seen a rise in the number of searches being conducted for customers with more complex requirements.

“This makes the addition of Together, a lender that has a proven track record in the specialist lending market, a timely one for CloudTwenty7 users”