4 Aussie Brokers that went above and beyond to help their customers


For an Aussie Broker, part of the job is keeping the home purchasing process as simple as possible. Here, we learn about 4 Aussie Brokers who went above and beyond to ensure they could help fulfil their customers’ dreams of home ownership.

No hill too steep!

For Kate, buying her childhood home when it came on the market was a dream come true. “I had to have it for my own family! But after losing full time work due to sickness, I never thought it would be possible,” she said. For Mark, their Aussie Broker, making Kate’s dreams come true was his mission. Mark found a lender who was happy to work with Kate’s casual wage and provided an excellent settlement agency. From late-night meetings to ensure signatures were signed on time to finding Kate the right lender, Mark let nothing stop him.

“Mark is in a wheelchair and even our steep driveway didn’t deter him – he is an absolute angel,” says Kate. “Mark rooted for us from the start. We’ve been in our house for a year now and not a day goes by that we don’t think of him – what an incredible man Mark is,” says Kate.

From broker to neighbour

For Sophie and her husband, using an Aussie Broker the second time they bought a home made sense. “We used an Aussie Broker when we purchased our first home 20 years ago. So we went back to Aussie and requested the same broker for our next property.” Their initial broker had retired, so Sophie and her husband were referred to Norm.

Over the next few months, Norm met with Sophie and her husband numerous times to discuss and finalise funding arrangements before auctions. “At no point did we feel like we were wasting Norm’s time,” says Sophie.

Finally, after looking at numerous options, Sophie and her husband ended up purchasing a property that was adjoining Norm’s.

“Norm has been a trustworthy broker and neighbour. In 2014, I suffered a head injury that put me off work for some time. Norm often rang up to see if he could offer any assistance in any way, including modifying our repayments. Norm is a family friend and a great neighbour, and always calls to remind us it’s our birthday!” says Sophie.

In it for the long-haul

As anyone who has bought a house knows, finding the perfect place can be a challenge.

“For us, the process of buying a home stopped and started over a period of three years and our Aussie broker, Karen, was always happy to come back and start again from scratch,” says Kieran. Karen kept in contact with Kieran and his fiancée, even in the down times when they weren’t actively looking.

“Having a consultant as understanding and as patient as Karen allowed us to take our time and find the perfect first home,” says Kieran. “Karen walked us through every step and kept us updated on a daily basis, which helped alleviate a lot of stress and allowed us to focus on planning our wedding!”

Looking out for me

As the pharmacist and sole staff-member in a small town, Tony found it hard to take time away from work. Until he spoke to Jason at Aussie, he thought he wouldn’t be able to find time to buy a home. Thankfully Jason had the flexibility to be able to go to his store and meet him during the quieter times. But more than flexibility, Tony appreciated the fact that Jason had his interests at heart.

“Even though I was pretty set on a mortgage package, Jason updated me on a new one that was more suited to my needs. I liked how he looked out for me instead of just choosing what was easiest,” says Tony.

“Now I’m the proud owner of my first home and it wouldn’t have been possible without the tailored service that Jason offered me,” says Tony.

*Customer names have been changed.

Have you weighed up who you want to talk to about a mortgage? Why not make a free appointment with an Aussie Broker today?