What Does Active Offer No Bump Mean on a Home Listing?


In your search for the perfect home, you may come across listings tagged as “Active Offer No Bump.” But what does Active Offer No Bump mean? Can you still make an offer on a house with this status?

If you do submit an offer, what can you expect in terms of the seller’s response and the overall buying process?

In this post, we explain the bump clause in real estate and why some sellers may choose to label their property as “Active Offer No Bump.” We’ll also share insights on whether it’s worth your time to throw your hat into the “no bump” ring.

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What is a bump clause in real estate?

In residential real estate, a bump clause is a provision in a home sale contract that gives the seller certain rights, particularly when they’ve accepted a contingent offer. A contingent offer means the buyer’s ability to complete the purchase is dependent on specific conditions being met, often related to them selling their current home.

Here’s how it works:

  • Flexibility for the seller: The bump clause allows the seller to continue showing the property to other potential buyers.
  • A safety net: If the seller receives another offer without contingencies, they can “bump” the first buyer, giving them a set time frame to remove their contingencies or step back.
  • Timelines matter: The original buyer has a deadline, usually ranging from 24 to 72 hours, to make their offer non-contingent or risk losing the property.

This clause is designed to minimize the risk for sellers, ensuring they aren’t entirely locked into a deal that might fall through due to the buyer’s contingencies. Understanding this clause is crucial, as it affects both buyers’ and sellers’ strategies in the property market.

What does ‘Active Offer No Bump’ mean?

When you encounter a listing with the status “Active Offer No Bump,” it implies a specific situation in the real estate market. Here’s what this term breaks down to:

  • Active listing: The property is still on the market and hasn’t been sold yet.
  • Offer accepted: The seller has accepted an offer from a buyer but with a catch.
  • No bump clause in play: Unlike typical bump clause scenarios, in this case, the seller has agreed not to entertain or accept other offers even if they are higher than the original offer or come without contingencies.

This status is a signal to potential buyers that while the seller has accepted an offer, they are not looking to “bump” this buyer for a new offer, even if it might be more attractive or less conditional.

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