Stonebridge conference to focus heavily on protection | Mortgage Introducer


The next Stonebridge conference will take place on the 3 February at the East Midlands Conference Centre.

Rob Clifford, chief executive at Stonebridge, said: “Bringing together representatives from all our member firms each year is a real opportunity to outline the results they have achieved and highlight their successes, while we can also outline our plans to support them into 2020 and beyond.

“It also means we can provide attendees with not just access to providers and lenders but also offer an informative and interesting series of sessions that should provide food for thought on the large number of opportunities that exist in our sector.

“This year’s conference will focus specifically on the ‘protection gap’ but also look to provide insight into the current position of the UK economy and how it might react in a post-Brexit world, plus mortgage market-specific analysis.

“We will also have two sessions which are designed to show how data and technology can be married to consumer behaviour and actions in order to deliver the best advice outcomes.

“It promises to be a highly informative conference plus we also get the opportunity to recognise all our members and top performers at our evening dinner.

“We are looking forward to welcoming all our member firms to Nottingham in February, for what should be a valuable experience which certainly sets us all up for the year ahead.”

Stonebridge will be using the conference to highlight the successes its AR firms have achieved in 2019, to announce the network’s full results and reveal plans for 2020.

It will also reveal its Stonebridge Achiever Awards which recognises the top Business Partners and advisers for their achievements throughout 2019.

Sessions on the day include an economic overview of 2020 delivered by the economics editor of The Times, David Smith, a later life lending seminar and a session on analysing consumer behaviour.

There will be a panel discussion on the mortgage market in 2020 and beyond with Esther Djikstra (Lloyds Banking Group), Chris Pearson (HSBC) and Robert Sinclair (AMI).

There will be also be a session on spotting change and securing a profitable future delivered by Rob Milligan, head of insights, strategy and governance at Lloyds Banking Group.

The conference will close with a keynote speech from author and broadcaster Frances Edmonds who will be looking at how to develop business growth and the communication methods available to secure new business.