If you’re successful in modifying your mortgage on your own, you may not need a foreclosure defense lawyer. But if you’re unsuccessful obtaining a mortgage modification or if a process server shows up at your house and serves you with legal papers, it’s important you hire an experienced foreclosure defense lawyer as soon as possible.
When you arrive at a foreclosure defense lawyer’s office, you should interview the attorney. You should find out his or her experience level. You should find out if they’ve published articles on foreclosure defense. You should speak to the attorney about how many cases they’ve handled and their success rate. You should look into whether they have appropriate staffing. Some attorneys’ offices are outgunned by the type of law firms hired by the financial institutions to bring foreclosure lawsuits. If you cannot afford to hire a private attorney, you may qualify for legal aid if available to help you defend you and your family in the foreclosure lawsuit.
The law office of Schlissel DeCorpo have been defending homeowners regarding mortgage issues for more than three decades. They can be reached at 516-561-6645, 718-350-2802, 631-319-8262 and 914-998-0080 or emailed at [email protected].