Royal London: Lockdown has changed buyer's requirements for their next home | Mortgage Introducer


A new report by Royal London surveyed current and pending homemovers to reveal the property features that made lockdown more challenging, the new property features they desire, and the areas of the UK they’re looking to move to.

The top features that made lockdown harder, according to homemovers, were a small garden or outdoor area (33%), lack of indoor space (27%) and no outdoor space (24%).

The research also shows that those moving property are beginning to look for properties in a location with home offices and high-speed internet, as well as those with more open floor plans and more parking.

One in six (17%) of those actively moving, or looking to move to a new house in the UK said that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed where they want to live.

Mona Patel, consumer spokesperson at Royal London, said: “The restrictions and lockdown measures have seen millions of households in the UK set up remote offices from their kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms.

“With so much time being spent indoors, it was inevitable that people would start thinking about their home environment.

“Unsurprisingly, space is the most desirable feature for home movers who want more room both indoors and outdoors.

“While cities have always been popular home buying locations, the pandemic has seen a shift in attitude as our research shows that there is a greater demand for rural locations.”