Broker Focus: Leigh Rowland, King Financial Services | Mortgage Strategy


Describe what you do in a few sentences.

I focus on residential and buy-to-let, personal insurance, business insurance and general insurance.

My day-to-day tasks are the same as for any other broker. However, I am trying to educate my clients and prospective clients through my social media channels.

I am an advocate of ‘Mortgages made easy’ and ‘Insurance made simple’ — taking the mystery out of mortgages and the complexities out of insurance.

What led you to become a broker?

I have always been a property nerd. Two friends I play football with had their own mortgage brokerage and had always said I would be good at it due to my local network.

I am an advocate of ‘Mortgages made easy’ and ‘Insurance made simple’ — taking the mystery out of mortgages and the complexities out of insurance

Although I worked in the voluntary sector for 20 years, I was already a landlord and I had my letting agent’s licence. The time just seemed right to move into a role that I had a passion for and that allowed me to continue helping and supporting people.

What single thing could lenders do to improve brokers’ lives the most?

This one is easy: create an app called Underwriter Translate and launch it across the UK.

What advice do you have for a broker just starting out?

Map out your branding and social media direction before you start. Create a journey that your audience will want to take with you.

Also, be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster. You will need your family and friends on your side.

I want to enhance my professional reputation regionally and nationally

And it’s worth mentioning that you can also reach out to the mortgage broker community, which is large and very strong. There are fantastic people out there who are willing to support you, no matter what stage you’re at.

I suggest supporting your local community as much as possible. Link up with local businesses that have a strong, local online presence.

I currently swap merchandise (namely, mugs) with all of my business contacts and I always take a quick photo and write something nice to share on my social media channels.

We need to look at the pathway from school to college to brokering

I also suggest contacting your local sports teams and creating a referral scheme. I have ‘Rowly’s Rewards’, whereby I give back cash to the club for every completed case. Once again, it’s a good opportunity for a photo to be shared across social media.

How can the industry encourage a new intake of brokers?

Dispelling the myths — that all mortgage brokers are walking around in a three-piece suit, carrying a briefcase and talking in acronyms that nobody understands — would be a start.

Also, demonstrating to young people that they can be themselves when coming into the industry, and showing how people like to work with others they can relate to, and that the market is changing to reflect this, would help a lot.

There are fantastic people out there who are willing to support you, no matter what stage you’re at

In addition, we need to look at the pathway from school to college to brokering, and how we can present this as a career choice earlier in the process.

What plans do you have for your future?

Broadly, I want to be the best possible version of me that I can be for my family, my friends, my colleagues and my professional network. If I can continue to improve, everything is achievable.

Lenders should create an app called Underwriter Translate and launch it across the UK

My current plans are to work on my social media networking. At the moment my focus is on LinkedIn, where I have gone from 950 connections in June to 2,700 today. This has led to my being invited on two podcasts and to an industry awards event. Mixing in these circles enables me to learn and develop from the best in the industry.

I want to enhance my professional reputation regionally and nationally, which will give me the opportunity to process larger volumes of business.

If you would like your firm to be featured in Broker Focus, please email Mortgage Strategy deputy editor Gary Adams at: [email protected]

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