Jesper With-Fogstrup starts as ULS Technology CEO | Mortgage Introducer


With-Fogstrup joined from HSBC, where he held the role of global head of digital as a channel.

He has more than two decades of experience within digital businesses, including a spell as chief operating officer at CompareTheMarket.

With-Fogstrup has pledged to make the conveyancing process more satisfying for all stakeholders, from consumers looking to finance or move home to the brokers, conveyancers and lenders involved in the transaction.

The new chief executive will oversee ULS Technology’s growth strategy, which has been buoyed by the capital generated from the sale of its wholly-owned subsidiaries Conveyancing Alliance Holdings Ltd and Conveyancing Alliance Ltd in November 2020.

The company says that proceeds from the sale have allowed them to pay off all of its debt facilities, and leave around £25m on its balance sheet.

Jesper With-Fogstrup said: “I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity.

“The conveyancing experience is not always a positive one for customers, because most only do conveyancing a few times in their life and all too often they don’t really know what the conveyancer is doing or why it matters to them.

“We can fix that by making the whole process clearer, simpler and more transparent.

“There is a big role for technology to play.

“Elements of the conveyancing journey are currently being done manually, which could be automated.

“That could make a big difference in speeding up the journey and ensuring everyone are involved and clear on the progress – from the homebuyers and conveyancers to estate agents, lenders and brokers – enjoying a far more satisfying experience.”

With-Fogstrup’s predecessor Steve Goodall announced he was stepping down from the role in September 2020.