#Trailblazer: A womans secret weapon for success Authenticity. - Mortgage Women Magazine


By Laura Escobar, President of Eagle Home Mortgage

Whether you are just entering your career, or you are a seasoned professional, here’s a secret I want to share with you: The road to the C-Suite has been paved for you, and now it is up to you to take it. In 2019, women’s share of board seats in Fortune 500 companies rose to 27 percent; and, in 2012, that number was less than 10 percent. Now it is up to you to take us to 50 percent and beyond because that seat in the boardroom already has your name on it if you are willing to take it. But it will take great effort, humility, and, above all else, authenticity.


Now is the time to step on the gas pedal on the road to the boardroom, and here’s why. We are in an environment that recognizes the importance of diversity and representation at the boardroom level more than ever. The fact is that more women in leadership is not just good for society, it’s good for business. According to a recent study by global consultancy firm McKinsey & Co., board diversity yields better financial performance partly because female directors tend to be less conformist and more likely to express our independent views.


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