JLM and Greenacre launch campaign to promote mortgage advice among deaf community | Mortgage Introducer


The idea for the campaign came from a Greenacre’s managing director Greg Stanworth, following a conversation with team member Matt Butler, who is himself able to communicate with clients in British Sign Language (BSL).

Greenacre has produced a video, with Butler explaining in BSL his role and what he is able to offer.

The business wants to continue educating and informing those deaf or hard of hearing clients – who may have had previous difficulty in securing advice – that there are options available for them.

Greenacre said that focusing on the advice needs of deaf or hard of hearing people will hopefully see other advisory practices training staff in BSL and encouraging advisers to actively market to the deaf community, which it says is an underserved demographic.

Stanworth said: “I am so proud that we are able to offer advice to clients who are hard of hearing or deaf.

“It’s great to be able to reach out to a wider audience and to help individuals feel more comfortable in what can be a challenging area.

“Having observed Matt, our specialist, communicate with a deaf client, it was wonderful to see how happy and relieved they were when discussing their mortgage needs with someone able to sign.

“We are extremely passionate about helping these underserved clients and would urge other firms to look at what they might do in this area.”

Sebastian Murphy, head of mortgage finance at JLM Mortgage Services, added: “Diversity and inclusion has taken on new meaning in the mortgage advice market, particularly over the course of the last few years, and it is wonderful to see Greenacre leading the way in terms of the advice services it can provide to hard of hearing and deaf people.

“I think we would all agree that we have potentially neglected the needs of these clients and we are fully behind Greenacre’s campaign to ensure more people receive the advice they are entitled to.

“We’ll be sharing this will all JLM AR firms and would hope it acts as a catalyst for other advisory firms to offer similar services.”