Smartr365 releases QR code homebuying app | Mortgage Strategy


Smartr365 has launched a HomeBuyer app that connects brokers to borrowers.

The fintech mortgage platform says the app allows homebuyers to enter their details and share them with a mortgage broker to begin an application process.

The app can be accessed by scanning a QR code, tapping a near field communication chip in an estate agent’s window, taking it from a property search site, or lifting it from an email.

The fintech says brokers can generate unique QR codes, weblinks and NFC chips at no extra cost. This allows client data to be seamlessly shared from the app to the broker via the Smartr365 platform.

The firm says: “HomeBuyer is guaranteed to make lead acquisition easier and faster for brokers, putting them in clients’ pockets so they can take all of the benefits of Smartr365 on the move.”

The app, which the company says is the first of its kind in the mortgage industry, works on both iOS and Android formats.

Smartr365 chief executive Conor Murphy says the move “democratises the mortgage process, giving consumers more choice and information than they’ve ever had before”.

He adds: “Brokers benefit too, as they can now acquire leads and all required details through the app at no additional cost”.

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