How to make money from your spring clean


No matter the time of year, that niggling need to get your home looking spick and span never really leaves you. But why not combine the sense of order with cents in your back pocket (or savings account) by selling some of the stuff you just don’t need anymore?

You know the old saying: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and this is the thinking to embrace as you tackle your spring clean. There’s a world of opportunity for selling the things you no longer need online (or from your garage). Not only do your savings benefit, but any items that are diverted from going straight to landfill are a massive tick for the environment. As we become more aware of the effects of climate change and the impact of our wasteful ways, it makes sense to find loving homes for items we no longer love.

Where can you sell second-hand items?

Of course, there’s the old-fashioned garage sale or stall at your local market, but if you’re stressed at the thought of putting aside a day then look to the many online stores at your fingertips. The likes of Gumtree and eBay are top choices, but you can also sell via Facebook Marketplace. This is a good choice if you’re already a member of buy/swap/sell groups on Facebook – if you’re not a member of a group, ask your Facebook friends to add you to their group, but even if you aren’t in a group you can still sell via Marketplace. Many people favour it because you won’t have to be as thorough in your sale listing – there aren’t as many categories your item needs to fit within. The great thing with all of these options is that you can sell your stuff from the comfort of your home and from an app on your smartphone.

Hot tip: ensure you include a note about your collection terms. You don’t want to have to organise a sofa to be shipped interstate!

What are people buying second-hand?

We all have the slightly tragic remnants of the past that aren’t going to entice a huge amount of buyers. That said, you might be pleasantly surprised at what others are interested in. Gumtree shared that the most commonly sold items on the site are homewares and furniture (24%), followed by clothes, shoes and accessories (20%), electronic goods (18%) and then games and toys (16%). In fact, Gumtree estimated that ‘unwanted’ items could be worth as much as $43.5 billion to the Australian second-hand economy, which suggests that every Aussie household has $5404 worth of unwanted items. Yes, a sum tidy enough to spur a ‘tidying’ spree just in time for spring, or at any time of year to raise a few dollars.

How to get top dollar for what you sell online

Not everything is going to sell as well as a top-of-the-line TV, but you can make sure your items are given their best chance to pull in top dollar. First impressions count, so be sure to take some good photos of your item/s. Natural light can add a golden glow to even the gloomiest of objects. Make sure your item is the star of the show, so clear away all background clutter. If you’re selling clothes, why not rig up a white sheet to act as a backdrop or hang them against a plain wall?

You’ll also want to consider the times you post your listing. If you’re selling via Facebook Marketplace or eBay, weekends are often the best traffic times and listing in the evenings tends to work best – think about when people are most likely to get bidding on something and work to that deadline.

It’s also important to manage your expectation on how much you’ll receive for your items. Be flexible so you’re not losing out on a sale completely for the sake of a couple of bucks. It’s best to go in with the attitude that this is stuff you no longer want, so there’s no need to turn your nose up at a $20 sale – especially if you’re cleaning out a whole heap of items.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at your old stuff through the eyes of a potential buyer and turn that spring clean into a nice little savings boost.

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