10 Questions with Janel Randall - Clean Slate


Janel is a broker/manager with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paramount in Edmond, Oklahoma.

1.    Which of our BHGRE P.A.I.G.E. (Passion, Authenticity, Inclusion, Growth, Excellence) core values do you identify with most, and why?

I love them all, but Authenticity stands out most.  What is the rest without you being your authentic self?

2.    What are your favorite qualities in a customer? 

I love customers who are authentic, honest, and just plain fun to be around.  The ones that seem like they could be a part of your family.

3.    What is the one characteristic that’s helped you the most in your career?

Perseverance – “Just keep swimming.”

4.    What was the last book you read? 

LOL, do emails count? Just kidding.  The last audiobook was Peace from Broken Pieces, Iyanla Vanzant

5.    If you were not in real estate, what would you be doing? 

Something entrepreneurial, but I don’t know what.

6.    What was the last song you heard that you couldn’t stop humming? 

Well, I guess it’s a song.  “Where the money resides, where the money resides.”  Google it.  You will be singing it too.

7.    Who is your real-life hero? 

I find heroic inspiration lots of strong women that have accomplished great things through adversity.

8.    What is your favorite motto? 

Making Possibilities Possible

9.    If you could sell a home in any market in the world, where would it be? 

Selling in any market that is moving inventory is a good market to sell in. 

10.  What advice would you give your younger self starting out in real estate? 

Selling in any market that is moving inventory is a good market to sell in. 

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