NRLA: Government must assist debt crisis renters and landlords | Mortgage Introducer


This response follows the ban on bailiff-enforced evictions in England being extended until the end of March.

Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick outlined that the ban will remain in place for all but the most serious cases for another six weeks.

This extension comes after ministers detailed last month that it would conclude on 22 February.

Beadle said: “[The] announcement does nothing to help over 800,000 private renters who have built rent arrears since lockdown measures started last year.

“It means debts will continue to mount to the point where they have no hope of paying them off.

“It will lead eventually to them having to leave their home and face serious damage to their credit scores.

“A package of hardship loans and grants is needed as a matter of urgency.

“To expect landlords and tenants simply to muddle through without further support is a strategy that has passed its sell by date.”