How To Become a Top Real Estate Agent In Victoria BC.


Breaking into the Real Estate Market in Victoria is challenging and the competition is fierce.

This article will help agents understand what it will take to be one of the Top Realtors in Victoria and will help clients understand what to look for in a Top Real Estate Agent.

To become a Top Real Estate Agent in Victoria BC, you must first possess a strong work ethic and be coachable, be knowledgeable in the industry, have excellent people and business skills and be able to close deals professionally and efficiently.

Being one of the Top Real Estate Agents is difficult, and it takes hard work. It's important to remember that to be the best, you have to work harder than everyone else. This means that you need to put in more hours, be more organized, and be more prepared. You also need to be able to handle rejection and keep a positive attitude.

Having a Real Estate Mentor is an important key to your path on becoming a Top Real Estate Agent. A mentor is an invaluble necessity to your career. Having a mentor in real estate is not a sign of weakness — it’s a proactive approach to ensuring that all of your bases are covered. It’s also a meaningful step towards accountability that even seasoned professionals and Top Realtors take advantage of.

3 Important Reasons to Have A Real Estate Mentor

1. To learn quickly what works and what doesn’t work in the Real Estate business - Time is money.

2. To get an outside perspective on your comeback or performance in the business from someone who has “been there, done that” and succeeded many times over.

3. For accountability — a Mentor will tell you what path(s) you need to be taking and will follow-up with you to make sure that yes…you did get it done! Nothing makes Bigger Leaps like having someone check up and hold you accountable!

Ask around

When you have difficulty finding someone who qualifies as a good mentor, ask others in the real estate industry if they know of someone. You might get some names that way and can conduct your own screening process.

Personal connection

Personal connections are worth their weight in gold when it comes to picking your business relationships. If you have a friend or family member who’s a successful agent or broker, consider asking them to help you learn the ropes.

Look For a Real Estate Brokerage That Has a Mentorship Program

Join Real Estate Broker who has such a program. With this option, you can learn the best ways to obtain motivated seller leads as well as develop your skills by working with successful mentors. You will also be able to gain knowledge on sales strategies, negotiation techniques, and marketing skills.

Create Value for Mentor and Mentee

You need to show these professionals something in return for their time and wisdom. If you want something from someone, it is only fair that you offer them something in return - something of value. With that in mind, consider what unique skills and knowledge you have to offer, and base your request for mentorship around that.

Offering compensation is also a good way to show mentors that you are serious about this opportunity. Offer something of value to these professionals in exchange for their time and expertise. Consider what special skills and knowledge you can bring to the table, and structure your request around that instead of trying to get information from someone who doesn't want to give it. Some ways to do this include offering backend incentives for mentors (like educator training). Be clear about what you need from a mentor, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

They include:

1. Strong Communication Skills.

2. Active Listening Skills.

3. Personable and Approachable Personality.

4. Time Management and Organization Skills.

5. The Ability to Build a connection with Clients.

6. The Ability to Handle Pressure and Rejection Well.

7. A High Emotional Intelligence Level.

8. Excellent, Professional Negotiation Skills.

9. A Solid and on going Understanding of the Real Estate Market and Industry Trends.

10. Appropriate Marketing and Advertising Skills

11. General Contracting Knowledge

12. An Extensive Network of Contacts

13. Persistence and Determination

14. A Positive Attitude

Many Real Estate Brokers have asked, "How to do find these Top Real Estate Agents to Hire?"  Ron Neal, founder of The Neal Estate Team says, "You don't find them, you create them!"

First ensure you have a complete training/mentoring program, and a positive, supportive work culture to slot them into. Then all you need to look for are people with great attitude and work ethic, that are coachable, and given a bit of time and effort you'll never have to worry about not having Top Agents again.

4 Things to Consider

1. Create a great training/mentoring program: You need to ensure that your training program is complete, and covers all the necessary bases for someone to succeed in real estate sales. It should be a mix of classroom style training, as well as on-the-job shadowing with top producing agents.

2. Have a positive, supportive work culture: This is one of the most important aspects of attracting and retaining top agents. If your workplace is positive and supportive, agents will be more likely to want to stay and continue working hard for your company.

3. Look for people with great attitude and work ethic: These are the two most important qualities you can look for in an agent. If they have a great attitude and work ethic, they will be successful in real estate sales.

4. Be coachable: The best agents are always coachable. They are willing to listen to feedback and take direction from their brokers. If you find an agent who is coachable, you have found a gem!

Victoria's Real Estate Team

At The Neal Estate Group in Victoria BC we are passionate about developing and creating Top Real Estate Agents so that we can provide our clients with the best possible service, expertise and results. Our team is filled with the Top Real Estate Agents in Victoria and Vancouver Island and we have been recongnize and endorsed by Celebrity Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, one of the Top Real Estate Firms in New York City, television personality, investor, speaker, consultant, syndicated columnist and author.

If you are looking for Real Estate in Victoria or anywhere on Vancouver Island then we would like to help. Talk to one of our Top Agents Today!